Stage spectacle by and with Studio Braun /
world premiere
Thalia Theater / Hamburg / 2014
Freunde sind Friends / stage projection
Front projection Tronwelt Stills from the video game Smirkey Rear projection onto opera Smirkey Endgame
Rear projection onto opera foil Freunde sind Friends
The myth lives on! The band Fraktus has written music history and the three and the three band members are among the German electro pioneers. They are said to have invented techno. After a cinema film and a successful comeback, the pop legend is now playing at the theatre!
DIRECTION Studio Braun STAGE Janina Audick VIDEO Rebecca Riedel & Mieke Ulfig COSTUMES Madoral MUSIC Fraktus
WITH Alicia Aumüller, Julian Greis, Lisa Hagmeister, Franziska Hartmann, Jacques Palminger, Jörg Pohl, Jens Rachut, Rocko Schamoni, Heinz Strunk